Can A Beagle Live In An Apartment?

Anyone would be delighted to have a Beagle in their home. They are loyal, loving and fun companions.

Beagles can be a great choice for people who live in apartments. They are small enough to make it easy for everyone.

Energy Levels Of Beagles

Beagles are energetic and require a lot of space. Ideally, this would be an open park or a walking path.

Their excess energy means that beagles are not the ideal apartment dog; however, there are ways to make it work for both of you.

Lets review the issues people encounter when raising a tiny beagle puppy in an apartment and how to overcome any obstacle you may face along the way.

Is There Enough Room For Beagle In The Apartment?

One of the main aspects to consider when living with a beagle in an apartment is if theres enough room for everyone.

It is important that you both can move around the apartment comfortably and that you don’t get in each other’s way.

Its also essential to make sure that you visualize how the apartment will look and how much room youll have once it is completely furnished.

The number one thing to consider is if your little companion will have enough space in the apartment to stretch their legs.

Take A Look At Your Neighbors

You know how close your neighbors are if you’ve lived in an apartment building.

Most likely, they wont want to hear your dog barking all day and night; therefore, it is crucial to consider the noise your dog could potentially make.

This is something you need to consider if you are considering a beagle. They are vocal and can be very vocal. Because of their hunting heritage, beagles can be very vocal.

They are hunters by nature and so they bark and howl constantly.

A beagle could bark if they smell something unfamiliar, if they don’t know someone, or simply because they are bored.

It is a good idea to talk to your neighbors before you get your puppy. They can help you decide if the noise will bother your dog. Who knows, you could luck out, and they could be dog people as well!

Is The Apartment Dog-friendly?

Some apartment buildings may not allow pets. You should carefully consider where you want to live and whether the apartment is pet-friendly.

The good news is that many apartment buildings allow pets, so you shouldnt have an issue. A beagle should have plenty of space, especially if you are looking to adopt an apartment.

This is a great place for your dog to get the exercise and mental stimulation they need to stay healthy and happy. It is important to keep your dog on a leash if you have a park or open space nearby. Beagles can get lost or become aggressive if they are curious.

It is even more ideal, a fenced area near your apartment complex, where you could let your dog off the leash without worrying about their safety.

Living With A Beagle In An Apartment (Some Must-Haves)

Although a beagle is a great companion and a great all-around breed, there are some additional aspects to consider before choosing an apartment.

Lets check out some of the must-haves for living in an apartment with a beagle.

Are They Receiving Enough Attention?

Like many breeds of dogs, beagles require lots of love from their families.

They are loving and loyal, and their families are their entire world. They enjoy spending time with you, whether playing fetch, petting or just being near them.

You should not leave your beagle alone, as it could cause separation anxiety and destructive tendencies.

If you will be gone for more than four hours, it is critical to give them ample attention, let them use the bathroom, and feed them before leaving.

If you are gone for an extended amount of time, it is vital to give them attention as soon as you get home.

This will prevent any further anxiety and put them at ease.


All dogs need to exercise, even hunting breeds like beagles.

Regular exercise, which could help prevent any misbehaving behavior or destructive behaviors, is crucial in order to keep your dog’s mind stimulated.

Some great examples of exercises include taking walks, often around a half-hour minimum, or playing fetch.

If the park is fenced in, you could let them off the leash and run around to their hearts content.

This is the most important aspect to think about when you move into an apartment.

If your new apartment lacks the space for regular exercise, it may not be the best time to welcome an energetic beagle puppy into your life.


You should ensure that your dog has plenty of toys if you are away from them for a prolonged period.

This will keep them busy and away from getting into trouble.

You can keep your beagle entertained with toys like bones and squeaky toys.

You could even give them a toy where they have to work to get the treat out, as this is sure to keep them occupied for hours on end.

Basic Puppy Training

Before leaving your dog unattended, it is critical to ensure they are well trained. This could further prevent any destructive behaviors while being left alone.

During training, it is essential to let your dog get used to being alone, so they know that you will always be back.

This is particularly important if you live in an apartment. Your neighbors won’t like to hear your barking dog all day.

If they are well trained, they will know that you are coming back when you leave; therefore, they will not resort to destructive behaviors.

It is also important to note that beagles are a rather stubborn breed and can often be challenging to train initially. However, they are brilliant and are well behaved after effective training.

Training your dog is an important aspect.

This is crucial for their development and will make it much easier to train them in the long-term. Lets go over a short timeline that is ideal for apartment training.

House Training For Beagles

One of the first things you should teach your new pup is where to use the bathroom.

This is an important aspect of training. It should be taught as soon as possible. Your puppy must be allowed to use the bathroom on a daily basis.

However, you may need additional trips outside if they are less than three months.

House training your puppy, even if they are just a few months old will make it easier to train them in the future. It will also reduce the chance of them getting into an accident.

Six Months

Once they have learned their names, you can teach them simple commands such as sit, stay, and so on.

This is a great way for your child to transition to more intensive training and make it easier to stay at home.

Nine-Ten Months

You should also teach them commands specific to your apartment such as heel, come, watch me and come.

Learning these commands early on in their life will set your pup up for success in the future and make it easier for them to learn additional commands later on. Because beagles are very intelligent, they should quickly pick up these commands.

One Year Old

Do not wait a year before you start training. The sooner the better.

Once your pup is an adult, you can continue training. If you live in an apartment, you should teach them to communicate without barking.

This includes training your beagle to not bark at everything outside and instead focus on non-verbal techniques.

Final Thoughts

Beagles make loyal, loving companions. However, before you adopt one, be sure to take into consideration their environment.

Apartments should have sufficient space for you two and enough outside space to exercise your dog.

If you check all these boxes, you will find your beagle as a loving companion who will be by your side for years to come.