My Dog Ate Aluminum Foil. What Should I Do Now?

Aluminum is one of those materials that you want to be safe with and away from your dog. Although it’s generally harmless, there have been instances of dogs being poisoned by aluminum.

Even if your dog seems healthy, call your vet if your pet eats aluminum foil

On the other hand, big dogs are less likely than smaller dogs to ingest aluminum foil. However, be on the lookout for unusual behavior.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats Aluminum Foil?

If your dog ate foil, it will be important to quantify the amount ingested and if there were any traces of food left on it.

Food leftovers can actually be more dangerous than foil, especially if they contain chocolate or rib bones.

It would be better to immediately warn your veterinarian if:

  • Your dog has eaten something toxic or high in fats along with the foil;
  • Your dog ate large amounts of aluminum.
  • You have a small dog or if your dog is a puppy.

When it comes to eating foil, if there are any symptoms they will start showing up pretty quickly, so you should watch your dog closely during the hours following the ingestion.

Although symptoms don’t necessarily indicate that your dog is in danger or that they need a medical exam, it is safer to see your veterinarian if your pet seems sick.

Despite that, most dogs wont show particular symptoms after ingesting aluminum, especially if in small quantities.

You can expect to see pieces of foil in the stools for the next few days and that should be the end of it.

It is important to note that the term tinfoil today is used to describe the shiny, glossy kitchen wrapper made of aluminum, not tin.

So whether your dog ate aluminum or tin foil, it is still the same material.

What Should You Do If Your Puppy Eats Aluminum Foil?

While it is generally agreed that adult dogs and puppies can be treated with the same rules regarding aluminum ingestion, the risks for puppies are higher from ingestion of tin foil.

This happens because puppies are quite smaller and therefore easily exposed to dangerous consequences like suffocation or gastritis.

If your puppy accidentally ate tin foil, call your veterinarian and drive your pooch to the emergency room as soon as possible.

There have been cases of death by aluminum in puppies, so you dont want to risk it.

What Happens If A Dog Eats Aluminum Foil?

In most cases, nothing. Your dog should be able to pass aluminum without problems and you may not even find traces in the poop.

There is nothing to be concerned about as long as your dog behaves and eats normal.

However, that doesnt mean eating aluminum comes without consequences.

Dogs that have swallowed aluminum foil could be poisoned or develop serious illnesses. It is important to recognize signs and symptoms immediately.

Choking Hazard

The most obvious risk from aluminum ingestion is the first.

Depending on the quantity, thismaterial can become a dangerous choking hazard.

Aluminum doesnt get softer when eaten and actually becomes harder the more it gets crumpled.

It can also cause a blockage in the dogs’ throats if they swallow it.

It is not easy to deal with this situation if youre not a professional, so if you see your dog struggling to breathe or even just breathing more heavily than normal, load them on your car and drive straight to the emergency room.

Gastrointestinal Problems

When a dog ate a foil wrapper, it may be harder to pass the bigger the quantity ingested.

The acids in a dogs stomach are stronger than a humans, but will hardly be able to digest this material.

This can lead to several gastrointestinal problems like blockage or gastritis.

Dogs with blocked intestines won’t be able to properly eat or poop. This is a condition that could be easily overlooked in an early stage but can lead to serious consequences.

Gastritis is another issue that can be caused by foreign object ingestion. This is an inflammation of your stomach lining.

It may be acute, which lasts for a brief time, or chronic.

A prognosis of acute gastritis can be quite good. However, a prognosis of chronic gastritis should depend on many factors that should all be evaluated by a professional.

If you know that your dog ate tin foil, the smallest signs of discomfort should be taken into consideration.

This does not mean that you should panic or rush your dog into the emergency room if they exhibit unusual behavior.

Just make sure you keep them safe during the first few hours after ingestion.

Any symptom should not be underestimated and should promptly be reported to your veterinarian.

Food Poisoning

As aforementioned, the most common danger related to aluminum ingestion is the food that was wrapped in it.

Some foods like chocolate and garlic are toxic to dogs and even though the amount left on the wrapping foil shouldnt be enough to cause serious consequences, given the high toxicity of theobromine (in chocolate) and thiosulfate (in garlic) you may want to ring your vet up as a precaution.

Aluminum foil that is used as wrapping for meat isnt safe for dogs either.

Pork rib bones are full of fats, which can cause severe inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

You should be careful if your dog is caught eating tin foil.

Do not hesitate to take your pet to the vet if you suspect that it may be something dangerous.

Aluminum Toxicity

The toxicity of aluminum for dogs hasnt been definitely proven and your veterinarian will most probably tell you there is nothing to worry about.

They are right and you shouldnt panic – nonetheless, keep in mind that there has been at least one case of a dog intoxicated after eating aluminum.

This is not meant to scare you. It’s just to remind you to be extra cautious about leaving aluminum around your dog’s reach.

Whether or not this material is deemed toxic, your dog shouldnt eat non-edible things.

However, intoxication by aluminum will probably be the least of your problems as the material should quickly pass and be expelled by your dog.

If they dont, your veterinarian might have to use more intrusive methods to remove it, like endoscopy or surgery.

Here Are Some Signs To Look Out For If Your Dog Swallowed Aluminum Foil

You should be on the lookout for these symptoms in your dog, regardless of whether they are suffering from gastritis, blockage or any other problems related to aluminum intake:

  • Vomiting: This is a fairly normal reaction that your dog has to something they arent able to digest. However, if it lasts more than a day it could be worrying and your pet might need to be checked.
  • Diarrhea: Diarrhea happens when your dogs swallow something they shouldnt, but if recurring could also be a sign of a blockage, so make sure to check the stools regularly.
  • Constipation – This is often a sign that your dog cannot push out food. This is often due to bloating.
  • Blood: Blood in the vomit or stools isnt a good sign, but it isnt necessarily catastrophic. Bloody stool is easily identifiable by its dark brown or black color. Contact your veterinarian and discuss your options.
  • Lethargy: When something is troubling your dog, they might feel too weak to eat, play, and behave normally. These symptoms are usually due to ongoing inflammations, fever, or other diseases. A medical exam will likely be required for your dog.
  • A lack of appetite: Your dog may suddenly appear uninterested. This could be because they are having trouble digesting the food or keeping it down. If they cant pass food, they will feel full and nauseated. Loss of appetite can quickly lead to dehydration and lethargy, so you should contact your vet.
  • Breathing difficulty: When your dog has trouble breathing soon after ingesting aluminum, they could be suffocating; if, on the other hand, they start having troubles after some time, they might be having an allergic reaction to the remnants of what was wrapped in the tinfoil. In both cases, you should rush your pet to the emergency room.
  • Hyperactivity: In this case, hyperactivity doesnt mean the usual way your dog has to show you theyre excited or happy. Your dog might become anxious if it feels sick.
  • Bloating – Your dog feels pain when you touch his stomach. This could be caused by constipation, blockage or inflammation. Dogs with this condition may have difficulty lying down or relaxing normally.

Not all of these symptoms are clear alarm bells, but the recurrence of one more of these symptoms is a good enough reason to rush your dog to a clinic.

Recommended Diet

You should seek professional help if your dog vomits after eating aluminum foil.

But if for any reason, youre unable to do that for the time being, you can try managing the situation by changing your dogs diet.

Start by withholding food for 8-12 hours; after that, feed your dog a small portion of boiled chicken without bones and rice every 6 hours for at least 48 hours and see if theyre eating well and not vomiting.

Then, you can gradually re-introduce their normal diet little by little over the course of the following 5-7 days.

A medical exam will be necessary if symptoms persist for more than a few days.

Aluminum Foil Is Safe For Dogs?

It is difficult to say if aluminum foil is safe for dogs.

Aluminum for dogs can be toxic or even harmful, but it is not usually considered to be dangerous.

Dogs are sensitive to changes in diet and have strong stomachs.

Single wrong ingestion can become very serious, and this is especially the case with non-edible items like tinfoil.

You should never forget to remove the wrapping before giving food to your dog and you should never leave any kind of wrapping in places where they can easily find them.

If your dog is a bit snobby and likes to dig through the trash looking for leftovers, you might also consider purchasing a pet-proof container.

Your dog is guided by their animal instinct, so its your responsibility to keep them safe.